Fitness advice for Magnificent Mekong
We have graded the fitness level required for participation in this tour as Easy/Moderate. Sightseeing at Angkor Wat involves a lot of steps and handrails are not always available. In the major cities the streets are very busy with all kinds of people and traffic so it is vital to stay together as a group.
The pace on board the cruise is very leisurely but we will be making frequent excursions ashore and these could involve a fair of walking and standing in hot and possibly humid weather. Participants must be able to keep up with the group in order to see everything in the time allocated – it is not fair to hold the rest of the group back as they will miss the sights they have come so far to see.
In some places there may be nowhere shady to stand and nowhere to sit down for some time. On board the ship the cabins are reached via stairways and no lift facilities are available.
For the reasons we have given above, this tour is unsuitable for the frail or for anyone who uses a cane or frame to help with walking at home. We regret that the ship is not wheelchair accessible. If unsure, please check with us.
We know that age is not always a reliable indicator of fitness, but prospective participants over the age of 80 will be given a letter to be signed by their GP to say they are fit enough to undertake this tour.